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In order to cover the broadest range of high-level technical contributions from all over the world, the Scientific Programme is structured into 18 Theme Areas (T), that include several Structured Sessions and Regular Sessions.

Theme Area T01Acoustical and vibration measurement and instrumentation

Lars Håkansson
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This theme area covers all aspects related to the measurement of sound and vibration. It includes sessions concerning traditional measurement instruments, but also proposals concerning new measurement concepts: new transducers, new mathematical algorithms, new acoustical parameters, or new applications of traditional technologies for multimedia and virtual reality.

Within this Theme Area different sessions are already planned.
Others could be proposed by sending an email to the chair of this Theme Area.

Regular Sessions

T01 RS01 - Acoustic imaging and acoustic detection

(Lars Håkansson, Sweden)

T01 RS02 - Measurement techniques and sensors

(Lars Håkansson, Sweden & Claes Hedberg, Sweden)

T01 RS03 - Measurement uncertainty in acoustics

(Marijn Sanders, Netherlands)

T01 RS04 - Instrumentation for sound and vibration measurements and analyses

Structured Sessions

T01 SS01 - Sound and vibration measurements and analysis

(Lars Håkansson, Sweden & Claes Hedberg, Sweden)

T01 SS02 - Measurement techniques and sensors

(Marijn Sanders, Netherlands)

T01 SS03 - Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects

(Adrian Brown, United Kingdom)

Theme Area T02Active noise and vibration control-mechatronics

Marek Pawelczyk
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The theme includes any concept or device that requires a combination of actuators (loudspeaker, piezoceramic, inertial actuator...), sensors (accelerometer, microphones...), and control units for real-time signal processing. The theme includes active and semi-active, control of sound and vibration, smarts structures, smart earplug, smart headset, mechatronics... Presentations can include conceptual design of system, theoretical development, algorithms design and practical implementations.

Within this Theme Area different sessions are already planned.
Others could be proposed by sending an email to the chair of this Theme Area.

Regular Sessions

T02 RS01 - Active control of sound and vibration

(Marek Pawelczyk, Poland)

T02 RS02 - Active structural acoustic control

(Marek Pawelczyk, Poland)

T02 RS03 - Semi-active control

(Marek Pawelczyk, Poland)

Structured Sessions

T02 SS01 - Actuators and sensors for active control

(Marek Pawelczyk, Poland)

T02 SS02 - Algorithms for active control

(Marek Pawelczyk, Poland)

T02 SS03 - Active meta-materials

(Marek Pawelczyk, Poland)

T02 SS04 - Electro Acoustics

(Anne de Jong, Netherlands)

Theme Area T03Aeroacoustics, thermoacoustics, combustion noise, aircraft noise and vibration

Maria Heckl
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Ricardo Musafir
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This subject area includes all aspects concerning sound generated by fluid flow, combustion processes or by the interaction of a flow with surfaces, as well as aircraft noise and vibration. Some examples are the description of source mechanisms or of the propagation in particular situations; jet noise; fan and compressor noise; wind turbines; active or passive control of aerodynamically generated sound and vibration, notably in aircraft, trains, and other vehicles, including space vehicles; analytical and numerical solutions for specific problems.

Within this Theme Area different sessions are already planned.
Others could be proposed by sending an email to the chair of this Theme Area.

Regular Sessions

T03 RS01 - Aeroacoustics

(Ricardo Musafir, Brazil)

T03 RS02 - Aviation noise

(Ricardo Musafir, Brazil)

T03 RS03 - Aircraft cabin noise and vibration control

(Bruno Campolina, Germany)

Structured Sessions

T03 SS01 - Acoustic simulation, test and control in spacecraft


T03 SS02 - Passive control of aeroacoustic and thermoacoustic instabilities

(Xiaoyu Wang, China)

T03 SS03 - Combustion noise and thermoacoustics

(Jim Kok, Netherlands)

T03 SS05 - Airfoil/High-Lift Device Noise

(Yu Liu, China)

T03 SS06 - Aircraft and gas turbine engine noise in the transition to sustainable fuels

(Jim Kok, Netherlands)

T03 SS07 - Passive control of thermoacoustic instabilities

(Aswathy Surendran, India)

T03 SS08 - Aircraft noise measurements for validation of regulatory models

(Alireza Amiri-Simkooei, Netherlands)

T03 SS09 - Dynamic transitions and effects of noise

(Larry Li, United Kingdom)

T03 SS10 - Turbomachinery noise

(Maria Heckl, United Kingdom)

T03 SS11 - Data-driven methods in thermoacoustics

T03 SS12 - Propeller Noise

(Nick Zang, United Kingdom & Mahdi Azarpeyvand, United Kingdom)

T03 SS13 - Computational Aeroacoustics

(Sergey Karabasov, United Kingdom)

Theme Area T04Environmental and community noise, soundscapes

Gaetano Licitra
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Jian Kang
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This theme area covers all aspects of environmental, community noise and soundscape research. These topics include, but are not limited to, environmental noise strategy, the role of sound in urban experience, outdoor noise propagation, community involvement and soundscape assessments.

Within this Theme Area different sessions are already planned.
Others could be proposed by sending an email to the chair of this Theme Area.

Regular Sessions

T04 RS01 - Community and environmental noise

(Gaetano Licitra, Italy)

T04 RS02 - Noise impact assessment

(Graham Parry, United Kingdom)

T04 RS03 - Noise modelling and mapping

(Francesco Asdrubali, Italy)

Structured Sessions

T04 SS01 - Soundscape auralization

(Gan Woon-Seng, Singapore)

T04 SS02 - Urban soundscapes

(Jian Kang, United Kingdom)

T04 SS04 - Sound perception of aerospace noise sources

(Roberto Merino-Martinez, Netherlands)

T04 SS05 - Environmental noise in developing countries

T04 SS06 - Humans and their soundscapes: the role of citizen science in environmental noise monitoring

(Cedric Vuye, Belgium & Jonas Lembrechts, Belgium & Ablenya Barros, Belgium)

Theme Area T05Physical acoustics, ultrasound, and wave propagation

Serge Dos Santos
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All aspects of ultrasonic wave propagation including analytical modelling, numerical modelling, transduction mechanisms, imaging algorithms, quantitative inversion algorithms as well as nonlinear acoustic. This theme is interested in the biomedical, nondestructive testing and structural health monitoring fields of application.

Within this Theme Area different sessions are already planned.
Others could be proposed by sending an email to the chair of this Theme Area.

Regular Sessions

T05 RS01 - Ultrasound and Ultrasonic measurements techniques and sensors

(W. S. Gan, Singapore)

T05 RS02 - Physical acoustics

(W. S. Gan, Singapore)

Structured Sessions

T05 SS01 - Wave propagation in heterogenous and architectured media

T05 SS02 - Nonlinear acoustics and vibrations

(Serge Dos Santos, France & W. S. Gan, Singapore)

T05 SS03 - Sound propagation in curvilinear spacetime

(W. S. Gan, Singapore & Umberto Lemma, Italy)

T05 SS04 - Duct acoustics

(Tracy Yat Sze Choy, Hong Kong)

T05 SS05 - Acoustic emission

T05 SS06 - Ultrasound and ultrasonic testing

(Mate Gaal, Germany)

T05 SS07 - Lattice Boltzmann Method

(Johan Augusto Bocanegra, Italy)

Theme Area T06Industrial and occupational noise and vibration

Dariusz Pleban
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This theme involves hearing loss prevention and protection of workers exposed to occupational noise and vibration. It includes, but is not limited to, the identification of risk arising from noise and vibration at work, the development and improvement of measurement and assessment methods, predictive and modelling methods, hearing protection (measurements, advanced technologies, comfort), hand-arm and whole-body vibration, machinery and factory noise, etc.

Within this Theme Area different sessions are already planned.
Others could be proposed by sending an email to the chair of this Theme Area.

Regular Sessions

T06 RS01 - Noise source identification in the workplace

Structured Sessions

T06 SS01 - Hearing protection

(Rafal Mlynski, Poland)

T06 SS02 - Hand-arm and whole-body vibration

T06 SS03 - Noise and vibration in small, medium and large industries

(Dariusz Pleban, Poland)

T06 SS04 - Advances in machinery noise and vibration control

(Eleonora Carletti, Italy)

Theme Area T07Structural dynamics and nonlinear vibration

Evangelos Sapountzakis
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This theme area covers all the aspects of experimental and computational methods for the characterization, analysis, design, and optimization of nonlinear mechanical systems. These topics include, but are not limited to, emerging methods in mechanical system design, optimal design in the framework of nonlinear dynamics, vibration control and damping of nonlinear systems, stochastic analysis and robust design, recent developments in numerical methods (finite volumes, boundary element methods, octree mesh, isogeometric analysis), artificial intelligence and machine learning in structural dynamics, and rotordynamics.

Within this Theme Area different sessions are already planned.
Others could be proposed by sending an email to the chair of this Theme Area.

Regular Sessions

T07 RS01 - Modal analysis

(Evangelos Sapountzakis, Greece & Konstantinos Kapasakalis, Greece)

T07 RS02 - Vibration and control of nonlinear mechanical systems

(Evangelos Sapountzakis, Greece & Konstantinos Kapasakalis, Greece)

T07 RS03 - Structural acoustics and vibration

(Evangelos Sapountzakis, Greece & Konstantinos Kapasakalis, Greece)

T07 RS04 - Rotordynamics

(Evangelos Sapountzakis, Greece & Konstantinos Kapasakalis, Greece)

T07 RS05 - Fatigue, fracture and joint interfaces

(Konstantinos Kapasakalis, Greece & Evangelos Sapountzakis, Greece)

T07 RS06 - Optimal design and uncertainty quantification

(Konstantinos Kapasakalis, Greece & Evangelos Sapountzakis, Greece)

Structured Sessions

T07 SS01 - Rotordynamics

(Evangelos Sapountzakis, Greece & Konstantinos Kapasakalis, Greece)

T07 SS02 - Vibration Energy Harvesting

(Evangelos Sapountzakis, Greece & Konstantinos Kapasakalis, Greece)

T07 SS03 - Modal analysis in practice

(Evangelos Sapountzakis, Greece & Konstantinos Kapasakalis, Greece)

T07 SS04 - Recent advances in vibration absorption

(Konstantinos Kapasakalis, Greece & Evangelos Sapountzakis, Greece)

T07 SS05 - Data analyses for the design of metamaterials using computational vibroacoustics

(Marcus Maeder, Germany & Sebastian Oberst, Australia & Stefan Schoder, Austria)

Theme Area T08Materials for noise and vibration control

Jorge Arenas
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Marco Caniato
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Materials come in a variety of forms to provide sound absorption, isolation and vibration damping. In the last decades, the use and variety of available materials has increased greatly. Recent advances in material science, manufacturing processes, chemistry, and nanotechnologies are producing significant improvements in the design, production, and performance of specialized materials and metamaterials. Papers related (but not limited) to advances, development, analysis and/or optimization of materials or metamaterials that have been produced for the specific purpose of providing high values of sound absorption, vibration damping, and vibration and/or noise isolation are welcome within this Subject Area. The papers can be related to fundamental research, and/or applications, related to design, modelling, testing, and/or manufacturing of noise and vibration control materials or metamaterials. Due to the importance of the subject, this subject area will also welcome studies on environmentally friendly materials that are made of recycled products and/or through less contaminating processes.

Within this Theme Area different sessions are already planned.
Others could be proposed by sending an email to the chair of this Theme Area.

Structured Sessions

T08 SS01 - Passive sound absorbing and insulating materials

(Marco Caniato, Italy)

T08 SS02 - Vibration damping materials

(W. S. Gan, Singapore)

T08 SS03 - Acoustic metamaterial and phononic crystal: fundamentals & applications

(W. S. Gan, Singapore & Wonju Jeon, South Korea)

T08 SS04 - Characterization of acoustical materials in reverberation rooms and impedance tubes

(Marco Caniato, Italy)

Theme Area T09Psychological, physiological, and biological acoustics

Lai Joseph C S
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Sebastian Oberst
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This theme area covers a range of topics in the fields of psychological, physiological, and biological acoustics. Both theoretical and applied papers are welcomed.

Within this Theme Area different sessions are already planned.
Others could be proposed by sending an email to the chair of this Theme Area.

Regular Sessions

T09 RS01 - Psychological Acoustics

T09 RS02 - Physiological Acoustics

T09 RS03 - Bioacoustics

(Sebastian Oberst, Australia & Lai Joseph C S, Australia)

Structured Sessions

T09 SS01 - Subjective evaluation of noise and vibration in built environment

(Haydar Aygun, United Kingdom)

Theme Area T10Signal processing and nonlinear methods

Len Gelman
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This theme area covers a wide range of topics related to the application of signal processing and nonlinear methods to the analysis of acoustics and vibration systems. This includes linear and nonlinear signal processing, vibro-acoustic imaging, source localization, inverse problems, big data problems, parametric and non-parametric pattern recognition, vibro-acoustical condition monitoring, diagnosis, and prognosis.

Within this Theme Area different sessions are already planned.
Others could be proposed by sending an email to the chair of this Theme Area.

Regular Sessions

T10 RS01 - Signal processing techniques for acoustic array systems and inverse problems

T10 RS02 - Fault diagnosis and prognosis

(Desheng Li, United States)

T10 RS03 - Signal processing in acoustics and vibration

(Tawhidul Islam Khan, Japan)

Structured Sessions

T10 SS01 - Compressive sensing and sparse signal reconstruction

(Haydar Aygun, United Kingdom)

T10 SS02 - Machinery health monitoring

T10 SS03 - Seismic response of building structures

T10 SS04 - Sound and vibration of bearings and power transmissions

(Desheng Li, United States)

T10 SS05 - Distributed Acoustic Sensing

Theme Area T11Room and building acoustics

John Davy
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Nicolaas Bernardus Roozen
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This theme area covers all aspects of building and room acoustics related to the transmission of sound and vibration through building elements, the acoustical qualities of spaces and the architectural acoustic design. The common framework is the noise and vibration control methodology and the evaluation of the perceived quality of sound in rooms.

Within this Theme Area different sessions are already planned.
Others could be proposed by sending an email to the chair of this Theme Area.

Regular Sessions

T11 RS01 - Building acoustics

(Edwin Reynders, Belgium)

T11 RS02 - Human response to noise and vibration in buildings

(Jack B. Evans, United States)

Structured Sessions

T11 SS01 - Room acoustics

(Constant Hak, Netherlands & Remy Wenmaekers, Netherlands)

T11 SS02 - Classroom acoustics

(Arianna Astolfi, Italy)

T11 SS03 - Measurement and prediction of sound insulation

(Andrea Santoni, Italy)

T11 SS04 - Structure-borne and impact noise

(Naval Agarwal, United States)

T11 SS05 - Acoustics of timber buildings

(Marco Caniato, Italy)

Theme Area T12Marine acoustics

Davide Borelli
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Venugopalan Pallayil
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This theme area on marine noise includes ship noise and vibration, harbor, and environmental underwater noise, underwater noise from pile driving, marine propeller noise, underwater acoustic communication and signal processing, numerical methods for underwater acoustics and vibro-acoustics of submerged structures.

Within this Theme Area different sessions are already planned.
Others could be proposed by sending an email to the chair of this Theme Area.

Regular Sessions

T12 RS01 - Underwater sound – measurement and modelling

(Adrian Brown, United Kingdom)

Structured Sessions

T12 SS01 - Ship underwater radiated noise

(Johan Augusto Bocanegra, Italy)

T12 SS02 - Propulsion system vibration and noise

(Claudio Testa, Italy)

T12 SS03 - Ship and harbour noise and vibration

(Davide Borelli, Italy)

T12 SS04 - EU Projects on noise reduction in harbors

(Gaetano Licitra, Italy)

Theme Area T13Musical acoustics

Bor-Tsuen Wang
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This theme covers all aspects related to advancements in musical acoustics, including but not limited to the following topics: modelling and analysis of musical instruments and the singing voice, analysis and synthesis of musical sounds, experimental techniques for sound and instrument characterization, psychoacoustics, music cognition, performance and pedagogy, new devices for music performance and interaction.

Within this Theme Area different sessions are already planned.
Others could be proposed by sending an email to the chair of this Theme Area.

Regular Sessions

T13 RS01 - Musical and virtual acoustics

(Bor-Tsuen Wang, Taiwan)

Structured Sessions

T13 SS01 - Vibroacoustics of musical instruments

T13 SS02 - Physical modelling of musical instruments and singing voice

(Bor-Tsuen Wang, Taiwan)

T13 SS03 - Musical instruments design and making

T13 SS04 - Psychoacoustics in music

(Bor-Tsuen Wang, Taiwan)

Theme Area T14Road and railway noise and vibration

Sifa Zheng
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The theme area on road and rail transportation noise and vibration covers the broad issue of generation and propagation of sound and ground borne vibration from road and rail transport. Structured sessions will be dedicated partly to the urban environment, with rail bound transport and road transport. In addition, novel design, and control method for sound effect inside vehicles, will be highlighted. Rail induced vibration has gained more attention in recent years and structured sessions will be organized for this topic. Recent developments such as the revision of EU type approval standards and the gradual increase of electric and hybrid vehicles will be treated. Sound effect analysis and design inside vehicles cabin environment, for electric and autonomous vehicles will also be specially discussed.

Within this Theme Area different sessions are already planned.
Others could be proposed by sending an email to the chair of this Theme Area.

Regular Sessions

T14 RS01 - Road and railway noise and vibration

(Francisco D. Denia, Spain)

Structured Sessions

T14 SS01 - Reduction of vibration and noise of Rail Transport

(Rui Zhou, China & Song Xiaodong, China & Ma Meng, China)

T14 SS02 - Vehicle noise, vibration and harshness (NVH)

(Sifa Zheng, China)

T14 SS03 - Sound effect analysis and control for Vehicles

(Sifa Zheng, China)

T14 SS04 - Comprehensive Traffic Noise Control and Mitigation

(Mingliang Li, China)

Theme Area T15Noise and Health

Irene van Kamp
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Within this Theme Area different sessions are already planned.
Others could be proposed by sending an email to the chair of this Theme Area.

Structured Sessions

T15 SS01 - Noise and Health; evidence of effects

(Irene van Kamp, Netherlands & Marije Reedijk, Netherlands)

T15 SS02 - Health impact of noise assessment

T15 SS03 - Community response to noise

T15 SS04 - Occupational noise and health

T15 SS05 - Healthy acoustic planning

(Trond Maag, Norway)

Theme Area T16Vibration Serviceability of Structures and Buildings

James Talbot
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The construction industry faces significant challenges as it aims to meet the demand for more economical, low-carbon structures. Stronger, lighter, and more efficient structures, the increased use of timber and the more effective use of existing urban sites are all helping to meet this demand, but this is at the expense of structures that are more prone to vibration. Structures become livelier under the action of wind, vehicles, and human-induced loading; buildings suffer from ground-borne vibration and re-radiated noise; and designs increasingly struggle to meet the more demanding standards governing noise and vibration that are essential for occupant well-being, productivity, and the operation of sensitive processes. Vibration performance is now often a governing design criterion that dictates structural form and cost. This theme aims to bring together researchers and practitioners working within this broad area of Vibration Serviceability, with the aim of highlighting recent advances in our understanding, knowledge and the analysis and design tools in this rapidly developing area. Papers are invited in: Vibration Control of Civil Engineering Structures; Human-Structure Interaction; Ground-borne Vibration Mitigation in Buildings; Soil-Structure Interaction.

Within this Theme Area different sessions are already planned.
Others could be proposed by sending an email to the chair of this Theme Area.

Structured Sessions

T16 SS01 - Vibration Control of Civil Engineering Structures

T16 SS02 - Human-Structure Interaction

T16 SS03 - Ground-borne Vibration Mitigation in Buildings

(James Talbot, United Kingdom)

T16 SS04 - Soil-Structure Interaction

(James Talbot, United Kingdom)

Theme Area T17Acoustic and Thermal Retrofit of Buildings

Edoardo Piana
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Monika Rychtarikova
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It is well known that traditional thermal insulation does not protect from noise pollution but, quite often, improvements of thermal performance in building facades result in a reduction of the acoustic performances. Additionally, there is a high risk that thermally convenient solutions are acoustically inconvenient, especially in renovation projects, because light-weight materials are usually applied in this case. Unfortunately, such materials have, by default, poor sound-insulating properties especially at low frequencies. Along with the Green Deal initiative, it is then of importance to also tackle the issue of acoustic performances. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) in Western Europe alone at least 1.6 million healthy years of life are lost because of noise exposure, and environmental noise features among the top risks to physical and mental health in Europe. The United Nations (UN) estimates that by 2050 about 68% of the world's population will likely live in cities resulting in noise polluted areas. The aim of this session is to apply an interdisciplinary approach addressing sustainable acoustic and thermal aspects joint in sustainable solutions able to generate realistic and practical approaches for next generation retrofit of buildings. Any paper featuring aspects considered in the MSCA ActaReBuid project (https://actarebuild.eu/) are welcome as well.

Within this Theme Area different sessions are already planned.
Others could be proposed by sending an email to the chair of this Theme Area.

Structured Sessions

T17 SS01 - Acoustic and Thermal Retrofit of Buildings

Theme Area T18Sonic Environments

Sergio Luzzi
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Jan Potter
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This theme explores how people interact with their sonic environment. The structured sessions investigate the multifaceted influences of sound on our daily lives, addressing ways to enhance sound quality in both indoors and outdoors. Topics include auralization techniques, psychoacoustics, indoor space comfort, occupational noise hygiene, and emerging risks. Urban soundscapes, quiet areas, and noise mapping advancements are explored, along with the health effects of sound. Furthermore, the sessions explore ways for fostering awareness, employing methods such as citizen science to actively engage the public in understanding the sonic environment. The sessions contribute to valuable insights, offering practical strategies for optimising soundscapes to improve the acoustic environments and promoting a heightened awareness of the acoustic environment.

Within this Theme Area different sessions are already planned.
Others could be proposed by sending an email to the chair of this Theme Area.

Structured Sessions

T18 SS01 - Auralization of environmental sounds

(Tronchin Lamberto, Italy)

T18 SS02 - Psychoacoustics and community reactions to noise

T18 SS03 - Comfort of indoor spaces

T18 SS04 - Occupational hygiene approach to noise and vibration

(Yucel Demiral, Turkey)

T18 SS05 - Noise as emerging risk in workplaces

(Giulio Arcangeli, Italy)

T18 SS06 - Quiet areas and restoration

(Francesco Borchi, Italy)

T18 SS07 - Sounds and cities

(Arnaldo Melloni, Italy)

T18 SS08 - Improvements of noise mapping

T18 SS09 - Sound, noise, and health effects

T18 SS10 - Sound diversity and identity of places

(Konca Saher, Turkey)

T18 SS11 - Ecoacoustics and bioacoustics

T18 SS12 - Education to sound and noise awareness

(Sergio Luzzi, Italy)

T18 SS13 - Acoustics and other factor of discomfort

T18 SS14 - Acoustics and Citizen Science

Participant's area

Photos of Netherlands